Back To Brazil
Judy Ganes is headed back to Brazil for the fourth time in 10 months from October 15th to 28th to assess the situation in the world's coffee powerhouse
Brazil Weather Update: Hail and Heavy Rain
Given the importance of Brazil to the world coffee market, Judy Ganes is headed back to Brazil for the fourth time in 10 months, from October 15th to 28th, to assess the crop situation in key areas in the states of EspĂrito Santo and Minas Gerais. There she will be assessing changes in conditions to update clients with fresh reporting last putting boots on the ground in Brazil in July.
Since then there were more frosts, drought, and hail plus the rainy season has started. With that is the start of flowering. Because of prior inclement weather, there are indications that a higher percent of the blossoms may fail to produce a crop. I am trying to get an early read on this and put the extent of the problems into perspective since not all areas suffered the same.
Since then there were more frosts, drought, and hail plus the rainy season has started. With that is the start of flowering. Because of prior inclement weather, there are indications that a higher percent of the blossoms may fail to produce a crop. I am trying to get an early read on this and put the extent of the problems into perspective since not all areas suffered the same.
This will help to put the situation in proper perspective since the extent of damage certainly varies from one location to the next and even on the same farm.
Judy will be speaking with growers, field technicians, and agronomists to gain further insight. As before, her focus will be on gaining a realistic view, focusing equally on the areas that have escaped the wrath of Mother Nature as well as those that were not as fortunate to continue to provide unbiased, thought provoking market analysis.